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Tag Archives: Health

Observe symptoms of pneumonia in children

Observe symptoms of pneumonia in children Pneumonia, commonly known as pneumonia, is a common disease, especially in young children, and is prevalent during the rainy and winter seasons.  In young children who are born with disabilities, premature babies, and have immunodeficiency, they may be at risk

Getting to know the portable ECG recorder

Getting to know the portable ECG recorder A portable cardiograph or Holter Monitor is a 24-hour monitoring device for arrhythmias. It uses a small, portable device that is connected to a wire and electrodes that are placed on the skin to detect and record heart activity.

5 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain, Support the Nervous System

5 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain, Support the Nervous System, and Reduce Alzheimer’s Statistics show that Thais die from cerebrovascular disease, which is a neurological disease, every 4 minutes or 6 people per hour. Cerebrovascular disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide after