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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Benefits of Rice

Benefits of Rice consider a staple food that is important to the world’s population. More than half of the world’s population consumes rice as their main food. In Thailand, rice has been consumed as a staple food for a long time and up until now,

How to breathe deeply: strengthen your immune system

How to breathe deeply: 5 techniques to strengthen your immune system and make it strong and not easy to get old! The immune system is one of the body’s mechanisms that is responsible for taking care of and preventing various infections. It is an important

5 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain, Support the Nervous System

5 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain, Support the Nervous System, and Reduce Alzheimer’s Statistics show that Thais die from cerebrovascular disease, which is a neurological disease, every 4 minutes or 6 people per hour. Cerebrovascular disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide after

Behaviors that are familiar and done until they become habits

Behaviors that are familiar and done until they become habits without realizing it. Some behaviors have negative effects on health, personality, mind and living with others in society. Let’s see what factors often cause wrong behaviors. 1. Social circles and friends.  Sometimes many people tend