Getting to know the portable ECG recorder

A portable cardiograph or Holter Monitor is a 24-hour monitoring device for arrhythmias. It uses a small, portable device that is connected to a wire and electrodes that are placed on the skin to detect and record heart activity. Patients can return to their normal routine at home or work. After 24 or 48 hours, patients must return to have the device removed by the staff. The results are then sent to the doctor for analysis. A portable cardiograph is ideal for people who experience frequent palpitations, dizziness, or unconsciousness without a known cause.
When to Use a Holter Monitor
- There are intermittent arrhythmias that are not detected by a normal EKG.
- Palpitations, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath
- Easily tired, short of breath, fatigue
- Chest pain
- Dizziness, vertigo, fainting, unconsciousness
- Cardiac arrest
What are the benefits of Holter Monitoring?
- Used to measure heart rate and response during activities.
- Used to assess the electrocardiogram of patients with palpitations or temporary cardiac arrest.
- Used to assess patients who experience dizziness or fainting to help with differential diagnosis.
- Used to follow up and evaluate the treatment results of patients after medication or procedures.
Procedures and guidelines for installing an ECG recorder
- Equipment installation The technician will attach the electrode pads to the patient’s chest. If men have a lot of chest hair, some of the hair may need to shav so that the electrode pads can adhere better to the skin on the chest and record the ECG clearly. Then the Holter Monitor will install and the care of the equipment will explained during the examination.
- Precautions: While using the Holter device , patients can do their daily activities as usual, but they should not shower, swim, or get the device and connector cables wet. They should avoid exercises that require a lot of arm movement. They should not perform X-rays, and they should avoid places with magnetic fields or high-voltage wires.
- The Holter device can carried in a pants pocket or shirt pocket, and a bag and belt are provided for carrying it. Avoid dropping the device.
- Symptom recording The machine has a button to press when you feel an abnormal symptom.
- After 24-48 hours , remove the Holter device the next day and obtain the diagnostic results.