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Diet for Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women

Diet for Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women Overweight or obese women are at high risk of developing serious health complications during pregnancy. Excessive gestational weight gain can increase the risk of developing diabetes, preeclampsia, and birth defects. However, these complications can be sidestepped by safely

Syphilis sexually transmitted disease. If you know it early

Syphilis sexually transmitted disease. If you know it early, you can cure. Common sexually transmitted disease, สมัคร ufabet especially among reproductive age groups. Who lack understanding about sex education. If this disease is not treated properly, it can affect the nervous system, heart, brain, various

Diet for Obese Children and Teenagers

Diet for Obese Children and Teenagers Obesity in children and adolescents is the new and emerging public health problem. Over the last few decades the number of children who are overweight or obese has doubled. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United

Observe symptoms of pneumonia in children

Observe symptoms of pneumonia in children Pneumonia, commonly known as pneumonia, is a common disease, especially in young children, and is prevalent during the rainy and winter seasons.  In young children who are born with disabilities, premature babies, and have immunodeficiency, they may be at risk

Getting to know the portable ECG recorder

Getting to know the portable ECG recorder A portable cardiograph or Holter Monitor is a 24-hour monitoring device for arrhythmias. It uses a small, portable device that is connected to a wire and electrodes that are placed on the skin to detect and record heart activity.

Benefits of Rice

Benefits of Rice consider a staple food that is important to the world’s population. More than half of the world’s population consumes rice as their main food. In Thailand, rice has been consumed as a staple food for a long time and up until now,